
четверг, 10 мая 2012 г.

Forever Trendy: Lace

Lace is a fabric that will never go out of style. It’s versatile and unique nature make for an ever-evolving look that continues to transform the fashion world. This material can take a casual outfit and create a chic going out look, it can make for a perfect daytime ensemble. It can also put the edge in a simple piece. Here at we’ve picked out some of our favorite lace looks to keep the classic in summer trends!
Starting from the bottom, these girly heels are the perfect way to dress up a pair of jeans or a simple dress. Not one pattern is exactly the same, which will make your outfit one-of-a-kind! 
Available at most department stores, stockings have always been made in different colors and designs. The black lace really puts a chic elegance in going to work or nighttime clothing.
These modern shorts scream summer! The high-wasted aspect is a modern touch to a delicate look that will never be dated. Whether you’re headed to the beach, shopping, or grabbing some lunch, these bottoms will flourish!
This design puts the pretty in any occasion. Suitable for all ages, this look isn’t too gaudy or over the top but rather simple and dainty. The little pearls add to the intricate detail within every nail.
The pairing of this lace shirt and royal blue blazer are ideal for a nice day or laid-back date. If you don’t have time to change between work and dinner, this shirt can fit both activities; its the lace. Red lace evokes a sexy and young feel into any outfit, especially a dress. The contrast between your skin and the transparency of the fabric draws a wide range of people into wearing this type of clothing. Whether you find these beautiful combinations on the red carpet or out dancing, it suits everyone
If you’re in the market for a modern look with a classic feel that will never go out of style, lace is the way to go. It’s detail and unique design make it wearable for all occasions. This fabric is timeless!
Coco Chanel once said, “I consider lace to be one of the prettiest imitations ever made of the fantasy of nature; lace always evokes for me those incomparable designs which the branches and leaves of trees embroider across the sky, and I do not think that any invention of the human spirit could have a more graceful or precise origin.”

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