
среда, 25 апреля 2012 г.

Even as the fall collections left the runway, we were already looking to get a glimpse into the following warmer seasons. Yes, we’re talking about the foundation of any season’s collections: the colours and hues that underlie them, shape them, and eventually come to define them. And even though we’re still guiding you through spring’s and autumn / fall’s fashion trends for 2011, that doesn’t mean we can’t afford a slight deviation in the form of a long term color trend forecast for the spring / summer 2012 season.
Click to read the full article to see samples of all the colours currently expected to features as trends in 2012. And don’t forget that if you’d like to keep up to date with all of 2012′s fashion trends, including new colour trend details for its seasons, you can subscribe to’s newsletter or RSS feed to never miss a thing.

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